Tuesday, October 21, 2008

As kids see it

Don't you just love it when something makes you laugh so hard you just can't stop. Like when for some unknown reason you get the giggles in church over a funny memory and have to walk out because people are getting annoyed with you! Many of those memories come from my kids or other kids in my life. Just thought I would tell ya about a few of them.
Chandra is teaching the children's ministry a new song they will sing at church in November. While sitting in a restaurant with Isaac, Shane (Lisa's son), and John, I asked the boys what song they were learning. Isaac said "Jesus loves me." Then Shane added " except we're singing it in Bon Jovi language." At first I thought maybe Chandra was shakin things up with a little rock-n-roll version of and old classic, which sounds like something I would do so I wouldn't put it past her either. After a few seconds I remembered reading a letter to the parents about teaching new culture to our kids so they would be singing a song in an African language called Bassa! Good ol' Shane!
About 3 or so years ago Isaac was really into reading signs around him. He would read a sign like Save-a-Lot on his own and we of course would praise him on his new reading skills. One afternoon after a trip to Wal Mart (home away from home) we passed a local funeral home. Isaac asked me where the women have their funerals? I replied "why do you ask that?"
He said "because we just passed the mans funeral home so where do the women go?"
It only took a short moment for me to realize we had just passed Mahnns Funeral Home!!!
I couldn't stop laughing long enough to explain it to him!
One day a long time ago Grace asked me if she could use the canaculator. What in the world I thought is she talking about! She is very sensitive so I didn't want to say there is no such word and if there is we don't have one so I simply said I don't know where it is. A few days later she asked if she could use her brothers banaculators. I couldn't resist at that point. I asked her what those were and she showed me a pair of binoculars. When I told her how to say it correctly she informed me she knew how to say it that way but she sounded more mature when she says it her way. You know like when she asked me for the calculator a few days prior!


Chandra said...

Glad to know the boys at least knew we were singing a song. In Shane's defense I do love me some Bon Jovi. Not nearly as much as NKOTB. By the way NKOTB forever!!!!

Marylou said...